EFIAF’s Peace Education goals are: to establish Cities of Peace traveling exhibitions; a Cities of Peace Illumination Center; global satellite Cities of Peace Illumination Centers; and educational training for economically disadvantaged, underrepresented youth in conflict zones. To achieve this, EFIAF provides innovative educational programs:
- hands-on, collaborative mentoring and training of international interns working with scholars and artists;
- interdisciplinary research and creative application (history; visual, literary, musical arts; math; science);
- understanding and appreciation of world cities, diverse cultural traditions, religions, ethnicities, and governance.
Young people, including war orphans, undereducated youth and girls, experience learning that builds confidence, leadership, analytical ability, and ethical awareness. International educators, artists and interns acquire skills to establish new global Cities of Peace Illumination Centers in communities suffering poverty and strife.
EFIAF hopes to increase and attract private and corporate partnerships and funding opportunities to advance Cities of Peace Peace Education goals. EFIAF works with: Prince’s School of Traditional Art, London; Harvard’s Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture; Gazi Husrev Beg, Sarajevo; Cathedral of St. John the Divine, NY; Claro Learning, UK; United Nations; Global Campaign for Peace Education, Hague Appeal; Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research, Sweden; Helplanka, Sri Lanka.